This is the thing that started it all...sort of.
Around the beginning of December 2009 my mom and I worked with a group of ladies on a quilt for someone in our church dealing with a cancer diagnosis. My mom and I decided we liked it, so we went to the store and she found a pattern. We bought fabric, mine were browns and pinks, hers were bright pinks, oranges, and yellows with some fun greens mixed in. I was/am a little envious of the beautiful fabrics she pulled together. I love what I've made, but I am in awe that she put such bright things together and they work so well. Anyway, we got started, and my machine broke. It was originally my mom's, left to her by the owner of her first house when she moved to Texas. I think it was made in the 1950's or 60's. Maybe earlier. Anyway, my husband bought me a wonderful machine for Christmas that year, and I never knew I could be so excited about a Christmas gift, especially something I didn't ask for or even consider wanting. It's been downhill from there. So, as I'm putting together a year end post of all my completed quilts I realized I never posted a completed picture of this first quilt. It isn't perfect, but we love it. It's warm, it fits our bed, and it has memories. Mom's is still in pieces on her sewing table, but she has resolved to make a real effort to work on it this year. Technically it isn't my first quilt. I actually made one when I was in high school, and it's been all over the world with me, but I didn't actually 'quilt' the thing. I'll tell that story later with a picture.

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